The program was launched in 1999 through a generous gift from the families of past ARTBA Chairmen, Jack (1991) and Stan (1999) Lanford. It’s supported today with contributions from industry foundations, firms and executives, and labor organizations. The scholarships, which have a value up to $5,000, have helped more than 120 worthy students from across the nation.
To be eligible for the scholarship:
- Applicants must be the sons, daughters or legally adopted children of highway workers who have died or become permanently disabled in roadway work zone accidents;
- An applicant’s parent must have been employed by a transportation construction firm or a transportation public agency at the time of his or her death or disabling injury;
- The scholarship award must be used to attend a post-secondary institution of learning that requires a high school diploma or Graduate Equivalent Degree (G.E.D.); M.B.A. candidates and Master’s degree students in Civil Engineering, Construction Management and other construction-related programs are qualified to apply.
Nominations must be submitted online at by March 6.