Long story short: Pennsylvania’s roads and bridges need a lot of work.
According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the state has the worst transportation infrastructure in America. ASCE gave the state a D-minues grade, the worst of any other state, citing 44 percent of the roads in Pennsylvania are in poor condition.
Without more money, motorists in the state will continue to waste an average of 182 hours and 86 gallons of fuel in traffic jams. The report estimates the cost to drivers in lost time and wasted fuel amounts to $3.7 billion per year.
Bridges in Pennsylvania need work as well, earning a grade of D-plus. 23 percent of the state’s bridges are deficient which is the worst in the country.
“Deficient road conditions are a factor in the majority of fatal traffic accidents, and safety was a primary reason that AAA strongly supported additional transportation funding investment,” AAA East Central Director of Legislative Affairs Theresa Podguski said. “We anticipate a better report card next year.”
A lot of states are finding a need for more transportation funding. Alabama’s roads and bridges also need a lot of work.