Auger Technologies has developed a device for removing conical auger bits faster—even ones with worn teeth that are stuck and seem unable to budge with other methods.
The Tooth Extractor can be used with a manual wrench or with an impact wrench. Its split-ring collet fits over the conical bit and then the driver arm is slid over the collet and locked in place. Driving the extractor screw backs out the tooth. After it’s out, the extractor screw’s motion can be reversed to remove the tooth from the collet.
Auger Technologies recommends using an impact wrench (not supplied), but the company says it also works with a manual wrench. “Either method eliminates the knuckle-busting methods previously employed,” the company says.
The company says the device works on all standard conical teeth and augers, and it can be paired with a driver for easy reinsertion of auger bits. The extractor is available for immediate shipment for .865 bits, and extractors for larger bits are also available, the company says.
You can watch a video of the Tooth Extractor in action below.