The Concrete Foundations Association (CFA) member companies now have access to a model or draft alternate fall protection plan conforming to the requirements of OSHA 1926.502(k).
This document details the recommended plan for companies delivering concrete foundations for projects identified as “residential construction” by OSHA’s recently implemented STD 03-11-002.
“The Alternate Fall Protection Plan is a collaborative effort of CFA staff and key CFA member contractors with a passion for providing solutions not just for their company but for the greater good of all companies in the network,” Ed Sauter, CFA executive director, says in a written statement. “The sole purpose for this draft plan is to pass along the efforts of a few to benefit the many, a trademark of many similar efforts by CFA members.”
During the course of about six months, CFA members have been consumed by the looming implementation of the latest OSHA standard for fall protection, according to CFA. This standard is a dramatic change of policy over recent years, no longer exempting those in the residential construction industry from fall protection measures. Still, there are problems with the application of STD 03-11-002 to our industry. The first is that given the change of definition for “residential concrete”, many of the projects