John Deere customers will find something different at dealerships this fall – a new line of workwear apparel. Deere has licensed the Block Corporation to create the line.
The line includes fabrics such as DuPont’s Sorona, which is made from corn, says Molly Reddish, category manager, John Deere Brand Licensing. “Using fabrics made from crops, including corn and cotton, relates well to our brand. Simple design, durable fabrics, pockets for your stuff and comfort are key to the Workwear line.”
The clothing line will be available from Deere dealers in October.
Have a dirty job? Search the Pigalog
From a 1985-prototype designed from basketball tube socks filled with clay, the New Pig Corporation has created its own spill-absorption industry. And there’s no better way to check out the latest in shop waste prevention than to peruse the company’s Pigalog.
New Pig wallows in its brand. Taking a cue from its messy testing ground – dubbed the “pig pen” – company founder Ben Stapelfeld decided to buck the advice of advertising agencies and make all things swine related. The company’s even located on One Pork Avenue in Tipton, Pennsylvania. Although the Pigalog is part of what the company calls its “culture of fun,” the stuff inside is serious – more than 4,200 absorbents, wipers, spill control devices and containment products. Some of the most popular items, however, have nothing to do with cleaning up. That includes the company’s snout hat, says Carl DeCaspers, public relations director, New Pig. “But I’d have so say my favorite is the Original Pig Absorbent Sock,” he says. “It revolutionized an industry.”
Word for Word
“I start with a piece of raw iron. When I was hired here 30 years ago, I ran a manual machine. Today I do a lot of work without touching the parts. The job is quicker and not as hard as it used to be.”
– Caterpillar machinist Bill Marvel to Popular Mechanics.
“It’s a $14 billion project. It’s not a $200,000 house. This is our Hoover Dam.”
– Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Executive Director Alan LeBovidge to the Boston Globe about work yet to be completed on the Big Dig project.
“It was an absolute freak accident. All the piece of steel had to do was fall slightly left or right and nothing would have happened.”
– Stephen Kaplan of Reliance Construction Group to the Associated Press about a fatal crane accident in New York City in which a piece of steel fell and sheared off one of the ties causing it to detach and topple.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, philosopher and poet.