2017 AED Summit & CONDEX to provide networking opportunities, new dealer education sessions


The Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) Summit and Construction Dealer Expo (CONDEX), Jan. 10-13 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, is set to provide networking opportunities in addition to a new and extensive series of education sessions for dealers, focusing on people management, product support, sales and rental issues, customer engagement and other topics.

Over the next few days Equipment World will provide a list of these sessions, along with other daily events, beginning with those scheduled for Jan. 10.

Jan. 10 overall schedule:

7 a.m.-evening – dealer meetings

12-5 p.m. – Registration

1-4 p.m. – Professional Dealer Education Sessions

1:30-3 p.m. – Manufacturers Advisory Group

2-3 p.m. – AAG Committee Meeting

4-5 pm. – Annual membership meeting

5-6 p.m. – President’s VIP Reception

6-9 p.m. – AED Foundation Gala & 10 Annual Live Auction, presented by the AED Foundation and Ritchie Bros. at Untitled Supper Club

Jan. 10 Professional Dealer Education Sessions

1-2:30 p.m. (concurrently)

A Dealer’s Guide to Navigating Private Equity

Columbus Hall KL

Jon Gormin, managing director, Owner Resource Group

“The presentation will walk attendees through the different types of capital partners available to business owners, with a specific focus on private equity. Jon Gormin will discuss the various scenarios in which a capital partner makes sense and the important factors to consider when exploring private equity. He will also cover the due diligence process and what to expect after the transaction is complete. In addition to a full overview of the private equity process, attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of specific characteristics investors look for and tangible ways to increase the value of their business.”

That’s the Way We Do Things Around Here – Part 1

Columbus Hall IJ

Jennifer Kaukeinen, executive coach and consultant, JK Leadership Consulting

“This interactive session will de-mystify the notion of organizational culture. Once you understand culture you will learn how you and your organization can use it as a competitive advantage. See how a dealership underwent a culture change initiative in order to improve the work environment, increase employee satisfaction and strengthen their brand. You will walk away with practical approaches you can use right away to align your people, as well as the structures and processes in your organization, to improve the bottom line.”

Partner Insights
Information to advance your business from industry suppliers

Does E-Commerce Really Work in Our Industry

Columbus Hall AB

George Russell, facilitator, Machinery Advisors Consortium

“You have your website up and running…now what? From market awareness to silent selling, companies are using the internet to grow their business and their profits. Learn how you can maximize your results from your e-commerce investment.”

The SELL Process—Your Offense and Defense – Part 1

Columbus Hall EF

Don Buttrey, president, Sales Professional Training

“Selling is interaction with a customer, where there is an objective to accomplish. On the field, phone and in your dealership, that happens every day. OFFENSE: This workshop will teach how to prepare and execute highly effective customer interactions. This is especially important for salespeople who can improve call success by this powerful pre-call planning process.”

How To Get the Most Out of CONEXPO 2017

Columbus Hall CD

Sara Truesdale Mooney, vice president Exhibitions & Business Development, Association of Equipment Manufacturers

CONEXPO-CON/AGG is the international gathering place for the construction industries, showcasing the latest equipment, products, services and technologies. Get prepared for attending this tradeshow. AEM will highlight new features like the Tech Experience and provide an overview of the schedule of events.

A Tale of 2 Markets: How Resale Disposition and Retail Rental Impact Equipment Ownership

Columbus Hall G

Sam Giffin, director of Business Insights, EquipmentWatch & Price Digests, Penton

“With the rental industry gaining steam every year and rental penetration of the off-highway market surpassing 50% in 2015, more and more dealer operated rental fleets are emerging. But this still leaves many questions to answer. How long does the average skid steer stay on the resale market before being purchased? How does the average excavator compare to that, and how much impact does dropping the asking price truly have? How quickly do other dealers around the country turn their inventory? What types of inventory tend to move quickest, and what market variables have an impact on these metrics? If you’ve ever found yourself asking these questions, then this presentation is for you. Using a custom data set of EquipmentWatch and Truck Blue Book data from the Resale channel, this session will analyze and highlight key disposition trends among dealers and rental houses over the last year.”

2:45-4 p.m. (concurrently)

Run, Hide, or Fight: Surviving an Active Shooter Event

Columbus Hall CD

Eric Shipman, commander, West Chicago Police Department

“Is your business prepared to respond to workplace violence or an active shooter incident? This introduction will offer attendees basic concepts and practices to help evaluate the safety of their facility and personnel. We will explore recommended actions and reactions should violence erupt at your facility. We will also discuss the steps you can take to recognize and possibly prevent these incidents.”

That’s the Way We Do Things Around Here – Part 2

Columbus Hall IJ

Jennifer Kaukeinen, executive coach and consultant, JK Leadership Consulting

“This interactive session will de-mystify the notion of organizational culture. Once you understand culture you will learn how you and your organization can use it as a competitive advantage. See how a dealership underwent a culture change initiative in order to improve the work environment, increase employee satisfaction and strengthen their brand. You will walk away with practical approaches you can use right away to align your people, as well as the structures and processes in your organization, to improve the bottom line.”

Drone Industry 101: The Critical Components to Use Drones Effectively

Columbus Hall AB

Logan Campbell, CEO, Aerotas

“Buying a drone is easy, but using it effectively requires smarts. Whether considering drones as a tool for the dealership, or guiding clients in purchasing drones from the dealership, step one is to understand what goes into good drone operations. In this session we will break down the key factors necessary to use drones profitably, safely, and legally.”

The SELL Process—Your Offense and Defense (part 2)

Columbus Hall EF

Don Buttrey, president, Sales Professional Training

“The second session continues with Defense.Objections will come. Sales professionals must be trained and ready to deal with objections, complaints, and negotiation ploys effectively. Complaints are inevitable. Every dealership makes mistakes – it’s how each service professional interacts with the customer that makes the difference. These negative experiences, handled correctly, can actually solidify customer loyalty.”

Innovative Technician Recruiting

Columbus Hall G

Debra Miller, vice president for Institutional Advancement, Pennsylvania College of Technology

“Building your team can be a hard and grueling task within the industry. Many dealers are struggling to find employees for various roles. It is time to look beyond the usual recruiting venues. This panel of experts will share with some of new areas to consider when recruiting.”

Mergers & Acquisitions – Key Issues for the Equipment Distributor Industry

Columbus Hall KL

Peter Moore and Bryan Biesterfield, attorneys, Robinson Waters & O’Dorisio PC

“This session will discuss the legal, structural, and financial considerations of mergers and acquisitions for the equipment distributor industry. The speakers, who are listed in the current editions of Best Lawyers in America and Super Lawyers, respectively, will discuss the variety of forms of a merger or acquisition (including merger, asset sale, and stock sale), legal due diligence, use of a sale transaction for succession planning, franchise issues, tax advantages of certain structures, and the potential to “step up” the basis of the acquired assets in some circumstances.”

More details on the 2017 AED Summit and CONDEX is available at http://aednet.org/summit.