A gun store owner in Spring, Texas, would have been glad to hand over the rifle two thieves recently stole from his store if it meant avoiding the destructive way they obtained it.
According to a report from KHOU TV, two men demolished a wall of Warthog Firearms hoping to walk away with some valuable merchandise. As you can see in the video below, the backhoe smashes into the store three times before one of the masked thieves climbs through the rubble.
They didn’t stay long. After unsuccessfully trying to break open a glass case full of assault rifle parts, the thief gives up, taking only a broken rifle back to the getaway truck.
Joe Bargas, the shop’s owner, told KHOU his landlord does have insurance and he will remain open for business.
“What goes around comes around,” Bargas said. “They’ll get it. It may not be this time, it may not be next time, but they’ll get it.”