Ring Power Rook is a Caterpillar 287C armored for crime fighting

Updated Apr 19, 2013

0409 Rook 1Take a Caterpillar 287C multi-terrain loader, hit it with some olive drab paint and arm it with a phalanx of urban assault attachments and what do you have?

One bad-ass crime bustin’ vehicle, that’s what. Terminator be advised.

And this is no joke, or one-off done for laughs. Ring Power, the Cat dealer for north and central Florida has an a team of engineers that retrofits these up armored track loaders for sale to law enforcement officials across the country.

Rook officersThe Rook, as the tricked out tracked loader is called, comes with four mission specific attachments:

  • An armored deployment platform that can hold up to four law enforcement officers behind a bulletproof steel plate. The platform elevates on the loader arms to give officers access to rooftops or second floor windows without a ladder.
  • A hydraulic breaching ram that extends from six to ten feet and can knock down doors, walls and other obstacles with 6,500 psi of power.
  • A vehicle extraction tool. This can push or pull a vehicle from the front or rear or just fork it up off the ground from the side.
  • A grapple claw. Great for tearing off eaves and busting into attics where criminals might be hiding.

Ring Power also outfits the Rook with multiple-angle video cameras that give officers the ability to survey a situation without exposing themselves to hostile fire. NIJ Level IV armored cab reinforcement protects the operator from hostile fire.

0409 Rook ramIn addition to SWAT duties, the six ton Rook is used by first responders in natural disaster rescues and assessments.

If you’re interested in owning one of these monsters, contact Shaun Mitchell, Ring Power’s Tactical Solutions sales manager. He can be reached at 904-669-4336 and by email at [email protected].

And check out the video below for a look at what this mean machine is capable of.

[youtube fhffiiGBD4Q nolink]

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