If you have a diesel powered, heavy construction truck that gets less than 20,000 miles a year and are concerned about the pending requirement to outfit it with a diesel particulate filter, the California Air Resources Board would like to hear from you.
On April 24, CARB will hold public hearings to consider amending it’s Truck and Bus emissions regulations. In March, CARB proposed several changes to the regulations that would impact contractors with low-milage work trucks among others.
The hearings will solicit public opinion on the proposed changes including the possibility of adding a new compliance option that adjusts the timeline for installation of diesel particulate filters for low-use work trucks. The new schedule has been extended over the next four years and the full-compliance date is now 2018 as is shown below.
CARB is also proposing to expand the low-use vehicle exemption to trucks that get fewer than 5,000 miles a year.
You can view a full list of the proposed changes by clicking here.
The pending hearings came about after the Construction Industry Air quality Coalition offered recommendations to CARB about how to improve the Truck and Bus Regulation. CIAQC argued that the original regulation does not offer enough relief to the construction industry which is still struggling financially from the effects of the recession.
The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. at ARB located at 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, in the Byron Sher Auditorium. Click here for directions.
The public comment period for the proposed changes is currently underway. For written comments to be considered by the ARB Board, they must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 21, 2014. Oral and written comments will also be accepted at the hearing.
To provide your comments prior to the April 24, 2014 Board hearing, go to the ARB Board website by clicking here. You can also see what other people are saying about the proposed amendments by clicking here.
For a full list of the ARB documents associated with this regulatory action including the actual language of the proposed amendments (Attachment A), the Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR), other supporting material and links to commenting click here.