General Equipment’s FCS5 Rip-R-Strippers are a hand-held substitute to General’s walk-behind FCS16 Rip-R-Stripper and are designed specifically for scraping floor coverings in confined spaces.
Offering a cutting width of 5 inches, the FCS5 Series works well in closets, foyers, stairways and other small areas where larger equipment is difficult to maneuver or will not fit. The series is available in two ergonomically friendly models, the FCS5AC and the FCS5DC. The series was engineered with computer analysis and foam grips help reduce vibrations for operator comfort.
A 1.2-horsepower electric motor gives the FCS5AC the most powerful floor-covering scraper in its class, according to General. The unit oscillates at a rate of 3,000 per minute on a standard 115-volt power source effectively removing vinyl tiles, sheet linoleum, rubber-backed carpet and a variety of adhesives and mastics.