Case marks two manufacturing milestones

Case reached two milestones recently with the manufacturing of its 10,000th excavator built on a Sumitomo platform and the production of its 500,000th backhoe loader.

The partnership between Case and Sumitomo began in 1992. “Since beginning our relationship with Sumitomo, our excavator sales have grown six-fold and Case is firmly established as a major player in this market,” said Robin Killian, vice president, sales and marketing, Case Construction Equipment.

Case excavators designed, manufactured and sold through the Case dealer network as part of the agreement with Sumitomo include the CX75, CX80, CX135, CX225, CX130, CX160, CX210, CX240, CX290, CX330, CX460 and CX800.

Case manufactured the first factory-integrated tractor loader/backhoe, the Case 320, in 1957, Killian said.