Saw manufacturers group develops blade certification program

The Masonry and Concrete Saw Manufacturers Institute has developed a diamond saw blade certification program to help contractors differentiate product capabilities and applications.

Diamond saw blades more than 12 inches in diameter will bear an SMI certification mark and a blade application code. The code specifies three factors: whether the blade is intended for wet or dry use; the type of material the blade is intended to cut; and the types and power ratings of saws the blade is intended for.

“The SMI blade application code will give consumers an ‘at a glance’ informational resource to help them determine which blade is best for a particular application, saving them time in the selection process,” said Russell Hutchison of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, of which SMI is a part.

The general applications the code denotes are: cured concrete; green concrete; asphalt; asphalt over concrete; block, brick or masonry refractories; and tile, ceramic or stone. In telling consumers which types of saws blades may be used on, the code covers flat saws in four horsepower groupings; three horsepower ranges of wall saws; several handheld gasoline-, hydraulic-, electric- and air-powered saws; three horsepower ranges of stationary saws and three horsepower classes of masonry or tile saws.

To view code information online, click the link in the column to the right.