Trees Unlimited in suburban Chicago employs a diverse array of skid steers and attachments to achieve a common land clearing goal. Whether they are performing selective thinning and beautification for a private landowner, trail development and maintenance for park projects, or clear-cutting for a commercial endeavor, the skid steers work in tandem to get the project done quickly, efficiently and with minimal disruption of the surface.
Owner Curt Pfaffinger initially purchased the Bull Hog mulching head, a shear and a grapple so he could do more work for park and conservation districts. Selective thinning is the name of the game, so the highly maneuverable skid steers are a perfect fit. “They want to make trails without taking much down – everyone wants to save a tree,” says Pfaffinger. “With the Bull Hog we can do that work efficiently. We get around the big oak tree but not destroy anything that you do not want to.”
The low ground pressure imparted by the skid steers – especially his rubber tracked Cat 287s, and John Deere 280s – was another big selling point for the municipal work. “There is no compaction,” Pfaffinger says. “We do not hurt the root structure so the keeper trees continue to grow and develop.”
As counter-intuitive as it may seem, the maneuverability of the skid steers also enhances efficiency with commercial projects where all of the vegetation is removed. Pfaffinger sends in a skid steer with a Bull Hog mulcher head to clear away the undergrowth before bringing in skid steers with shears, grapples, saws and other equipment to clear away larger material. “We’ll go in with a Fecon head first and get rid of all of the minus-4-inch material – that gives us room to maneuver around without brambles and thorns grabbing at the operators,” says Pfaffinger “The Fecon head goes in the day beforehand, mows it all off and gives the other guys room to work.”
The “other guys” use grapples, tree saws and bunching shears to fell larger diameter trees before hauling them to a central chipping location. “We’ve got a Vermeer with autofeed, which we feed with a Bobcat,” says Pfaffinger. “One guy just feeds the grinder and two guys bring the material to them. He doesn’t have to waste time schlepping logs.”
Sticking to their specialized roles has helped increase the productivity of the entire crew. But that’s not to say that operators never switch attachments. “We’re using all implements on any given job – we flip-flop all the time, because the time to change from one to another is minimal,” says Pfaffinger.
Depending upon the terrain and site conditions, operators may start using the tree saw to fell large diameter trees and then switch to the bunching shear for more control. “Both will handle the same diameter materials – about 16 inches – but the shear gives us more control since we’re still holding onto the tree after it has been sheared,” Pfaffinger says. It’s important in tight working areas, especially residential or where there are other Trees Unlimited crew members working in the vicinity, he says.
Pfaffinger also believes in bringing more equipment than will be used so the project can continue in the event of a breakdown. If the project calls for removal of the mulched material, then Trees Unlimited blows the chips into one of their fleet of chip trucks. “We’ve got 6-wheelers with a box on the back, and a box inverted on top so we can handle 20 yards of chips at a time,” he says.
He takes the chips to his gravel pit and runs them through a tub grinder to produce mulch, which he then sells or uses on internal projects. As the land clearing business expands, so does the mulch production. Pfaffinger produced 20,000 cubic yards of mulch last year – up from 12,000 the prior year.
But not everything that his crews touch turns into “black gold.” Sometimes they’ll mulch the materials with a mulcher head, and then leave them onsite to help control erosion. As the mulched materials decompose, they return nutrients to the soil. Mulching and leaving the material on site is operationally easier and eliminates the hauling of chips and further processing at the gravel pit.
Whether they are removing the materials or leaving them to Mother Nature, Pfaffinger wants his crews to “get in, get done, and get on.” Pfaffinger estimates that they’ve completed projects as small as a single tree removal up to 12 to 15 acres. “It is nothing for us to clear two or three acres a day,” Pfaffinger says. “It is a testament to the hard working crews and the productivity of their attachments.”
Multi-gang dowel drill attaches to backhoes or excavators
E-Z Drill’s Model 210 Eq. Mt. is a multi-gang dowel drill that can be quickly mounted to most backhoes or excavators. It uses pneumatic drill motors, and has a standard hydraulic “side-shift” feature with nylon wear pads to eliminate jamming or sticking and allows for faster positioning. This feature can also be used to drill two sets of holes without moving the boom. Other standard features include a safety swivel lock for transporting and quick release bit guides for faster changing of bits. The unit can accommodate three to six drills, requiring 100 cfm per drill.
Handle trees with loader mounted tree transplanter
The Big John Model 42 loader mounted tree transplanter safely handles trees and increases the survival rate of your transplants. Big John equipment offers alternatives to cutting, dozing or destroying trees, with a full line of machines that can be either truck or loader mounted.
Track system bolts on quickly, offers stability
Turn your wheeled skid-steer loader into a hard working track machine in under an hour with the Versatile Track System from Loegering. This complete track undercarriage bolts on quickly adding traction, stability and a more comfortable ride to your existing skid steer.
Versatile landplane allows controlled grading and leveling
John Deere’s landplane attachment can be used with a skid-steer loader or compact wheel loader, and provides versatile, cost-efficient productivity for finish-work. Front and rear cutting edges allow controlled grading and leveling in forward or reverse.
Rotary disc cutters assist in mulching projects
ProMac Manufacturing’s Model 36 CMP II and 52 CMP II extreme service rotary disc cutters are designed as attachments for excavators in the 15- to 37-ton class. The discs are available with two disc and three cutter bit designs to assist in the mulching of heavy brush and trees. The ProMac mulching units are effective tools in forestry, power line transmission right of way applications, seismic line work and land development.
Sweep away debris with rotary power broom
The MB Company’s Model HL angle rotary power broom sweeps snow, sand, gravel and other debris from sidewalks, parking lots and other worksites. The HL can be fitted on skid steers, backhoes and tractor loaders and is available in widths ranging from 5 to 8 feet. Options include electric/hydraulic swing, dirt deflector and sprinkler, in addition to a dual motor for hydraulic flow in excess of 22 gallons per minute at 2,000 psi.
Change cut depth for slot cutter with skid-steer controls
The Coneqtec/Universal SSG slot cutter has a patented roll-in depth control so the operator can keep hands on skid-steer controls at all times. Change the cut depth using skid-steer bucket controls. The high torque direct drive motor delivers power directly to the cutting wheel. The attachment cuts 9 inches deep with 5,000 psi.
Cut, grind and dig through tough materials
The Felco UTS milling bucket has a hydraulic milling unit attached for cutting and grinding tough materials. Contractors can cut through and grind pavement, concrete, building foundations, rock, slate, as well as trees and landscape. It combines the durability of a Terex cutting unit within a heavy-duty bucket to allow cutting, grinding and digging with one attachment. The unit can mill from 2 to 5 1/2-inches of material. Felco’s milling bucket can also be used to grind material out of the bottom of the bucket to create more backfill.
Hard-hitting breaker dissipates shock back toward ground
The Cyclone Model SW3500 hard-hitting breaker can be mounted to a skid-steer loader. At nearly 3,500 foot-pounds of impact per blow, the attachment has no point to break or wear out, no front head bushing to grease, no accumulator to recharge, no seal kits to replace and no daily or weekly lubrication. The Cyclone features a skid-steer system that dissipates the shock back to the ground and transfers no shock to the carrier. Universal Impact offers the Cyclone drop hammer in three different sizes. The mid-size Model SW3500 can break 8-inch concrete at a rate of 3,500 square feet per hour.
Low flow stump grinder able to cut up to 8-inches per pass
Atco’s low-flow stump grinder requires only 16 gallons per minute, enabling it to run on machines that normally could not run a stump grinder. The design works on low speed and high torque to cut up to 8 inches per pass. The 28-inch cutting wheel is positioned 90 degrees to the operator, making it safer and offering added visibility. The grinder is also compact for storage and transportation.
Drill attachment produces clean, compacted cavities
McLaughlin’s horizontal earth drill attachment assembles easily to a mini skid-steer loader by using a “quick-attach” system. Versatile attachment aids in installment of irrigation pipes, sprinkler systems, cable television and utility lines under landscaped areas, lawns, driveways, sidewalks and bushes without costly surface damages and restoration. This boring attachment produces clean, compacted cavities from 1 1/4-inch to 4 1/2-inch diameters utilizing McLaughlin’s full range of Mighty Mole drilling tools, Flex Alloy drill rod, mole heads, reamers and specialty tools.
Automatic blade control aids in earthmoving and grading applications
Apache Automatic Blade Control is a laser based grade control system used on construction machinery to automatically control the blade in earthmoving and grading applications. Installations can be adapted to dozers, skid-steer loaders, box blades and scrapers. It can also be used with agricultural drainage and land leveling machinery. A Bullseye laser receiver is mounted above the cutting edge of the blade. A control box designed to work with most hydraulic valves and a hydraulic installation kit are included with the machine’s hydraulic system. Grade information from a rotating laser is processed and automatically directs the machine’s hydraulics to maintain the blade’s elevation.
Screening unit processes endless types of material
National Attachments introduces the ideal solution for on-site material handling, screening, mixing and crushing operations. The Australian manufactured Mobile Integrated Screening Unit is now available in the United States. Offering operating cost reductions and operation productivity, the MISU bucket eliminates multiple handling costs when processing endless types of material, such as soil, loam, clay, salt, gravel, construction and demolition materials. Different forms of material can be processed with the patented Spinning Rotor System, allowing smaller particles to fall through while larger debris is held back. MISU’s Floating Rotors shed material that would otherwise stick and blind the discharge envelope.
Hydraulic breakers tackle a variety of applications
Okada America offers eight hydraulic breaker models for mini skid-steer loader, excavator or tractor/loader/backhoe applications. With sizes ranging from 150 to 1,450 pounds and blow speeds of up to 1,350 bpm, Okada has a full line of breakers for compact machines. Each breaker’s compact design ensures ease of maneuverability, while also providing power needed to complete the job. Features such as special alloy steels, superior heat-treating, ultra precision machining and a simple innovative design provide for a long-life span.
Pulverizer provides power and maneuverability
National Attachments is proud to introduce the leading pulverizer from Nye Manufacturing. Custom fabricated with 100,000 psi quenched and tempered multi-alloy Swedish steels with hardened pins and bushing throughout, the Nye Extreme Service digital concrete pulverizer is designed to endure years of the toughest applications possible. The patented four-position ripper provides superior maneuverability, with the power to rip, pry, manipulate, sort and position any material. Convertible with a live back jaw to increase crushing forces, this tool was designed to process concrete of all forms.
Increase machine productivity by 30 to 50 percent
Leica Geosystems’ MC200 Digger automated excavator guidance system allows the operator to dig rapidly, accurately, on grade and on-the-fly from inside the cab.
The guidance system features an exclusive “Learn and Dig” profile mode, real-time digging depth reading and target indication.
It can also operate in stand-alone mode or with laser grade
No separate lift assembly required for compact packer/roller
Handy Hitch Manufacturing has added 75-, 90- and 120-inch Profile packer/rollers to its line of grader-mounted packer/rollers. The new patent-pending design has been engineered to be compact and light and no longer requires a separate lift assembly. The 24-inch packer offset and grader adaptor plate is bolted into place on the main 10-by-6 frame. The grader adaptor plate is then bolted directly onto the grader or the ripper bar. The new design is also able to follow the contour of the road by diverting oil from one hydraulic cylinder to another via the hydraulic pressure relief system.
Percussion bucket combines power of hydraulic hammer with maneuverability
Powertech’s 1000 series percussion bucket for compact excavators performs demolition and excavation jobs in restricted spaces. By combining the power of a hydraulic hammer with the maneuverability of a conventional bucket, the PicBucket is able to deliver substantial gains in worksite efficiency and productivity. It can be used to lay pipes, demolish concrete structures and buildings, do foundation work, construct and/or maintain water and gas conduits, and bury telephone or telecommunications cables and wires. This multifunctional bucket is 12 inches, and can handle loads of .12 cubic yard. The impact energy of the hydraulic cell is 200 foot-pounds and generates a percussion frequency of 1,650 beats per minute.
Hydraulic bucket thumb ideal for grasping and handling
Amulet’s G2 PowerClamp hydraulic bucket thumb features an improved curved profile and tooth bar and up to 180 degrees of rotation. The versatile, custom PowerClamp design provides the grasping and handling ability sought after by even the most demanding contractors for efficient demolition, logging and land clearing projects. The G2 PowerClamp is manufactured of high strength alloy plate using heavy welds, hardened pins, AR400 steel teeth and heavy-duty hydraulic cylinders. The thumb is also available in non-linkage or progressive linkage for use with or without a quick coupler.
Cut hauling and tipping fees with mountedcrushers and screeners
Giberson Enterprises distributes portable and affordable excavator-mounted jaw crushers and screeners. The Eco-Crusher and Flip Screen cut hauling and tipping fees out of a contractors costs. This adds to onsite convenience, increased productivity, lowered downtime, fewer employees and higher profit margins.
Brush mulching and forestry packages offer several options
The ASV RC-100 machine for brushcutting offers flexibility and increased productivity. Tackle heavy-duty land clearing applications with ASV’s new line of brush mulching and forestry packages. There are five packages available, including a complete forestry package, a custom-designed guarding system that helps protect the operator and machine. A Fecon HD7460 Brush Mulcher, manufactured for the ASV RC-100 by Fecon, is also available. The HD7460 is 74 inches wide with a 60-inch cutting width. A total of 30 fixed- position, double-tipped carbide tips process trees up to 8 inches thick and can plane stumps up to 12 inches in diameter to ground level.
Grind the hardest stumps into fine mulch
Shaver Manufacturing has a new addition for its StumpBuster line. The SC-25-H is a skid-steer loader-mounted StumpBuster specifically designed for contractors, landscapers and maintenance departments. It provides a simple, maneuverable solution to tree stump removal. Powered by a minimum 15 gallons per minute hydraulic hookup, the SC-25-H can whittle a 45-inch in diameter stump to a 10-inch hole in a single pass – without repositioning the unit. The unit can easily be maneuvered around buildings, storage sheds, fencerows, trees and homes without ever leaving the loader seat. Quickly eliminate a single large diameter stump or simply clean up a whole grove.
Cut through trees, weeds and vines with special alloy knives
The Loftness Timber Ax with its patented design for selectively cutting and mulching unwanted trees or brush has just been improved with special alloy Timber Ax knives. The alloy knives are expected to provide an increase of two to three times the normal wear and dramatically reduce sharpening time. The Timber Ax, with its fixed sharpened blades and upward rotation of the rotor, tends to pick the material up off the ground and process it between the blades and shear bar resulting in smaller particle size. The use of sharpened blades also results in lower horsepower requirement and the ability to cut grass, weeds and vines, as well as 6-inch or larger trees.
Grind up to six acres per day with stump grinder
The Sneller 275-horsepower Stump Mill and 140-horsepower Stump Mill have a patented tooth and wheel design for fast and smooth stump cutting. This stump grinder will grind up to six acres per day. The triple sealed lower bearing system increases the cutter wheel bearing life up to 7,000 hours. The excavator-mounted unit attaches to the Sneller 190 Multi-Task carrier on your existing excavator with no modification and is as easy to mount as a bucket.
Articulating side grip speeds up the pile driving process
Hercules Machinery’s Sonic SideGrip Vibratory Pile Driver is an excavator-mounted attachment with an articulating side grip that speeds the pile driving process on any jobsite. This attachment eliminates the need for peripheral equipment used in the piling operation. The Sonic SideGrip uses an excavator’s hydraulics to safely and quickly pick up, unload, place, drive and extract piling. The robotic grip picks up the sheet pile without any assistance from a ground crew member. And because the sheet pile is safely clamped in robotic gripping jaws, the operator is in control and the piling is secure. You can handle sheet pile up to 50 feet long, I-beams, H-beams, pipe pile and woodpile with this attachment.
Mulcher designed for lighter, smaller weight excavators
Fecon adds the BH74EXC to its extensive line of Bull Hog mulchers. Weighing 2,850 pounds with a flow of 30-35 gallons per minute, the new BH74EXC was designed for lighter, smaller weight excavators with a low ground pressure. The model offers the same versatility of other Bull Hog mulchers, and has 30 carbide tipped tools, a 63cc motor and a maximum cutting width of 60 inches. Bull Hog applications include land clearing, right-of-way clearing, trail and park maintenance, forest and prairie restoration, fuel load reduction, orchard pruning and removal of invasive species.
Remediate contaminated soil with stabilization system
Allu’s Situ-Soil stabilization system helps remediate contaminated soil and transforms clay, peat, sludge and other soft soil into solid layers. The Power Mixer hydraulic excavator attachment processes material to a depth of 16 2/5 feet, while the Pressure Feeder injects a blinding agent into the ground through a pipe during the mixing process. The data acquisition system then measures, controls and reports on the stabilization process.
Crusher attachment uses split system hydraulic design
Mounted to a wheel loader, Iron Wolf’s Crusher SS series attachment incorporates the latest in split system hydraulic design. Equipped with additional drum rotation safety features, reversible variable pitch cooling fan and increased horsepower, rock, concrete and asphalt processing has become more efficient.
Root grapple improves site cleanup productivity
Crafted from abrasion-resistant, high strength steel, Construction Attachments’ RG-Series root grapple can handle the removal of surface and sub-surface. This attachment can be used with skid-steer loaders and agricultural tractors up to 90 horsepower. A large grapple opening accommodates irregularly shaped objects while providing the clamping force (1,500 pounds per grapple) for safely removing and loading debris. An available slat kit provides smaller tine spaces when working with bricks and smaller rocks. The RG-Series is offered in 66-, 78- and 84-inch models.
Versatile drilling attachment works in tough soil conditions
The new LoDril DH-100 breaks the 100,000 foot-pound torque barrier with power to spare. At 110,000 foot-pounds, the DH-100 is the most powerful LoDril in Bay Shore Systems’ product line. The DH-100 is especially suited for power line contractors who are constantly upgrading and replacing miles of high voltage transmission lines. This attachment features a drilling speed of 60 rpm, and a spin-off speed of 100 rpm. It is able to penetrate to hole depths of 30-100 feet, and makes hole diameters of up to 144 inches.
Multi-Ripper bucket replaces rock trenchers for a fraction of the cost
Leading Edge Attachments introduces the High-Capacity Multi-Ripper bucket, designed to replace rock trenchers for a fraction of the cost. The new bucket works on the same principal as the company’s Multi-Ripper, with the exception of allowing more capacity with stronger tooth mounting and longer lasting Metalogenia KingMet teeth. Other features include SHARC (Shanks on an ARC) technology, meaning that the bucket functions similarly to that of a trencher, but uses the hydraulic excavator rolling action to rip.
Achieve cutting efficiency, more uptime with heavy-duty mulcher
Fecon has expanded its line of Bull Hog mulchers by offering the BH85-PTO ground wide heavy-duty model. The BH85-PTO has 36 double carbide-tipped cutting teeth, a cutting width of 70 inches and weighs 2,900 pounds. It can be used for lot clearing, right-of-way clearing, brush and yard waste piles, park trails, wildlife habitat, firebreaks and removal of invasive species. The BH85-PTO features an average tool life of 300-500 hours, a patented rotor design for cutting efficiency and a belt drive system for more uptime. Options include custom or universal mounts and rake teeth for the push bar.
Dig, crush and stockpile with one attachment
RR Equipment’s Crush-All combines the flexibility of an excavator with the latest crushing technology, all in the form of one heavy-duty attachment. The Crush-All is a loader, hopper, feeder, crusher and conveyor all in one, making it extremely efficient. Some features include an automatic dust suppression system and a tramp iron relief system that allows un-crushable material to pass freely. The simplicity of the Crush-All makes it significantly less expensive to operate and maintain, while its rugged design provides for durability and longevity.
Pick and place pipe with C-Hook Pipe Lifter
The C-Hook Pipe Lifter from Construction Lifters saves contractors labor by eliminating the need to dig a hole under the pipe or rolling it over a cable or chain for lifting. The adjustable lifting eye allows the hook to always be carried level and it stands up for easy attachment. There are new sizes available in six different capacities up to 30,000 pounds to handle pre-cast pipe from 4 to 8 feet in length. This lifter is a quick and efficient way to pick and place pipe.
Mobile air compressor system mounts under hood
The Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors under-hood VR70 is certified at 73.5 cubic feet per minute and 175 psi. The complete system weighs less than 150 pounds and mounts under the hood on most popular work trucks. This high output air compressor may eliminate a tow-behind and lower insurance, fuel, maintenance, equipment and labor costs. Because it mounts under the hood, it makes getting to the jobsite easier and limits the chances of theft.
Universal tool performs soft demolition applications
The Brokk G-50 is a high-powered universal tool for all kinds of soft demolition and sorting of debris. The G-50 has an integrated 360-degree rotator and can open up to 19.7 inches. Mounted on a 2,050-pound Brokk 90 or a 4,190-pound Brokk 180 remote controlled demolition machine, the G-50 can carry weights of up to 265 pounds.
Trenching in confined spaces no longer a hassle with hydraulic breaker
Breaker Technology’s hydraulic breaker design produces stable high-speed percussion, in addition to having exceptional value and durability for all construction, demolition and rock breaking requirements. The boxed section housing provides lightweight, high strength construction, while the upper and lower shock absorbing dampers reduce noise and vibration to the carrier. Trenching in confined spaces is no longer a problem with the breaker’s narrow profile, which allows for optimal visibility and access when working in tight quarters. Ten models are available in the BT Series, ranging from the 400 foot-pound class up to the 10,000 foot-pound class.
Enhance efficiency of loading operations with telemetry
The Loadlog 8000 offered by Loup Electronics features the expandable capabilities of in-cab printing, wireless data communication and data logging. Enhance the efficiency of loading operations with the addition of telemetry, and assure that the load records are accurate and up to date by wirelessly linking the loader operator with the scale house. Data logging provides a similar enhancement by allowing the loader operator to store load information directly to a data card in the loader. This information can then be transferred to an office computer for further processing.
Switch from buckets to forks with grapple’s second quick-tach
With its T-1 high-grade, high-tensile steel teeth, four supporting rods and shielded hydraulic cylinders, the new Double Quick-Tach grapple from Sheyenne Tooling offers operators another use for their skid-steer loaders and compact tractors. The Double Quick-Tach grapple attaches to all popular skid-steer loaders and compact tractors equipped with a skid-steer quick-tach. With a second quick-tach built on the grapple, operators have the option of switching from buckets to forks to any other attachment quickly and easily. This grapple fits most buckets on the market.
Contour, grade, cut and smooth with roller level attachment
The roller level attachment from John Deere has a front roller that offers total control for contouring, grading, cutting and smoothing flat or significantly sloped terrain. The attachment can be used with a compact wheel loader or skid-steer loader.
Switch attachments safely with hydraulic quick coupler
Because there may be a safety risk due to operators dropping attachments at the initial latching stage, Wedgelock Equipment has introduced the I-Lock Multi-Model hydraulic quick coupler. The I-Lock coupler has an independent front latch that automatically engages onto the front pin. Even if an operator gets distracted during the changing of attachments, the I-Lock safety latch automatically resets itself to ensure that the coupler is always in safe mode.
Skid-steer tracks eliminate tire slippage
Featuring unmatched flotation, traction and tire protection in an easy-to-install and inexpensive to maintain package, McLaren Industries Protrac Series skid-steer tracks are offered in three styles to handle virtually any job environment. Constructed with manganese-enriched steel alloy for durability, McLaren’s Protrac Series tracks are self-cleaning, stabilize skid-steer bouncing, eliminate tire slippage and offer a variety of interchangeable shoes. It uses pins made of heat-treated forged chromium, offers wear resistance, enhancing track life.
Quickly secure attachments with Bob-Tach System
The Bobcat Bob-Tach System allows fast, secure attachment changes throughout the company’s skid-steer loader and excavator line. The Bob-Tach frame moves into an attachment flange and the handle pushes down easily, pressing the wedge through the frame and attachment hold for a solid connection. You can replace a bucket with a blade, auger, grapple and more. The heavy-duty Bob-Tach features spring-loaded, wear-compensating wedges for a secure fit time after time.
Universal thumb’s integrated design allows for easy storage
The Werk-Brau multi-tine universal rigid thumb is used for material retention in demolition, placing landscaping stone of riprap, brush and log handling and scrap handling applications. The universal thumb uses high-grade T-1 steel in critical components and two working positions for versatility. In addition, the integrated design allows the thumb to be stored in a retracted position against the stick as one unit, so there are no concerns about storing separate components. Adjusting the thumb is accomplished by moving a single pin, which keeps downtime to a minimum.
Handle wood debris with heavy-duty grapple
The RPA 4570R from Rotobec is a heavy-duty model with a 3-by-4 tine configuration designed to handle logs, wood debris, stumps, etc. When it is time to feed a grinder, it performs better than the traditional bucket and thumb or the non-rotating contractor grapple. If control and flexibility are required, these grapples can be equipped with a RGP Rotobec rotator, which can be positioned by the excavator tool cylinder. Simplify hydraulic installation on the excavator with a valve in head option that requires only one circuit from the machine to feed the grapple. A saw option is also offered. Rotobec’s line of power attachments (RPA) has three sizes to match excavators from 15 to 45 tons, all with different jaw configurations.
Add versatility to shouldering machine with 4-foot extension option
HTC’s Model 2000 Shouldering Machine features a 4-foot extension option that allows the operator to convey material and pinpoint the drop location. Whether building shoulders on new construction, backfilling, trench filling or another application, this attachment helps you complete the job more cost effectively. Eliminate backbreaking hard work and reduce the manpower needed for most jobs with HTC’s Model 2000 Shouldering Machine.
Mix cement, fertilizer, other materials with ease and uniformity
The SS-585 skid-steer mixer from Worksaver features all welded steel drum construction with internal paddles to provide uniform mixing and clean dumping. Equipped with a direct-mount all welded frame, the mixer fits skid-steers with universal style attachment systems. The SS-585 design minimizes moving parts for a long, trouble free service life. A hydraulic motor provides easy operation coupled with low maintenance. A flow control valve allows the speed of the mixer to be easily controlled, while a simple lever engages and disengages the drum. A sturdy number 50-roller chain drives the mixing drum. The SS-585 can mix feed, cement, fertilizer, inoculating seed, potting soil and other materials.
Compaction wheel gets added protection with rock guards
American Compaction Equipment now offers rock guards on all 20 base models of excavator compaction wheels. This new feature gives added protection against rocky soil conditions and improves the performance of the compaction wheel. Diamond compaction wheels are available in sizes from 14-to 72-inches wide, and include an OEM mount with pins and a soil leveling plate.
Scarifier and smooth drum roller available in different widths
Double D Manufacturing introduces two new attachments to the Grade King Series Leveling Scrapers. The addition includes a front-mounted, hydraulically controlled scarifier and a rear-mounted, smooth drum roller, also hydraulically lifted. Both attachments can easily be added or removed in minutes. The scarifier attachment is available in widths of 10- or 14-feet. The 10-foot-wide model is designed for the 10- and 12-foot model leveling scraper and the 14-foot model for the 14- and 16-foot-wide leveling scrapers. Double D’s smooth drum rollers are 24 inches in diameter, can be filled with liquid ballast and are available for all models of Double D Grade King Series Leveling Scrapers. All of these scrapers are designed to accommodate tractors with up to 550 horsepower.
Demolition bucket ideal for heavy-duty applications
Pemberton’s demolition buckets are designed specifically for all sorts of heavy-duty demolition applications, such as dozing, pushing, pulling, grappling and carrying any debris available. The bucket’s rugged construction consists of high strength materials and guarded cylinders. Other features include a clamp configuration for dozing and piling, a mold board with replaceable bolt-on edges and the main lip, which has teeth and segments. It’s available in pin-on versions and coupler equipped.
Extend the reach and digging depth with Add-A-Stick
L and G Products Add-A-Stick attachment extends the reach and digging depth of hydraulic excavators from 8 to 26 feet. This attachment specializes in longer reach jobs, such as ditch cleaning, fly ash loading, sediment pond clean-up, dredging, demolition, trench digging, underwater excavating and many more. The Add-A-Stick can be easily mounted and then taken off, allowing the operator to go from him long reach job back to production digging. The standard installation allows the excavator to retain a true digging configuration, resulting in a longer boom section and a truly active longer dipper stick.
Backfill open trenches faster and easier
Contractors can backfill open trenches faster, safer and easier with Felco’s backfill conveyor. For maximum production, place material in the hopper to send it the length of the conveyor into the trench (past the trench box). The material is immediately accessible for compaction. Increase efficiency and profitability with the backfill conveyor by removing truck requirements from the trenching operation and eliminating spoil stockpiling to maximize digging time. Prevent clean-up costs and potential damage to private property. The conveyor is also available with a custom swivel conveyor option.
Reach aggravating roots with stump bucket
Atco’s Extreme Stump Bucket for skid-steers aids in tough stump removal. This aggressive bucket is made of all 1/2-inch steel and has three replaceable teeth. It is 56-inches long with teeth that cut into the sides to break or hold onto aggravating roots. Achieve exceptional leverage between the length and the curve of the bucket to break out stubborn stumps.
Hydraulic crusher features steel construction
Mid Atlantic Hammers’ GS300A hydraulic crusher not only comes with 360 degrees of rotation, but also offers powerful crushing performance with its special steel construction. The GS300A is compact for working in small or narrow spaces, and can also be used for cutting steel reinforcement.
Cab offers total visibility for safety and convenience
Escape the winds and foul weather with Burch’s 3S Kab King, made of heavy vinyl for strength and durability. The Kab King is used in conjunction with standard ROPS canopies. The cab’s open front allows total visibility for safety and convenience. Installation is quick and easy. The cab also detaches easily and folds up into a compact size for storage.
Bedding conveyor offers control in tight work areas
Felco bedding conveyors allow an excavator operator to control when, where and how much bedding material is placed in the trench when bedding pipe. Compact enough for projects involving tight work areas and narrow alleyways, bedding conveyors will help you increase production. Mounted between the tracks and attached to the car body, the conveyor taps into the excavator’s track drive circuit to power its hydraulic motor. It delivers 1 cubic yard of bedding material every seven to 10 seconds.