By the end of the year, Austrian company Rubble Master says it will introduce its “Go” concept in its RM70 mobile compact recycler to North America. With the Go Concept, the company says it’s introducing a new simplicity to crusher operation, giving operators an intuitive means of running the machine. Full text of the press release is below the break.
1-2-3 GO! Starting out in rubble recycling
At the INTERMAT 2009, RUBBLE MASTER® Compact Recyclers, the inventor of and market leader for mobile recycling in the compact class, proved how easy, safe and profitable recycling can be – with the RUBBLE MASTER GO! principle. The concrete realisation in machine form – the RM70 GO! – was presented to the international public world-first in Paris on 20 April 2009.
“There are still many companies – from construction and haulage companies to earth movers, disposal operations and producers of building materials, ready-mixed concrete and bricks, who haven’t properly considered the cost benefits they could gain from mobile recycling with compact, high-performance machines,” says Gerald Hanisch, founder and CEO of RUBBLE MASTER GmbH, explaining the development of the latest RUBBLE MASTER crushers.
RM70 GO!
The RM70 GO! satisfies the requirements of the RUBBLE MASTER GO! principle in every respect and its sheer simplicity and the intuitive approach make it the perfect machine – especially for people who are starting out in the recycling business. GO! means that the solution is fast, direct and gives you immediate benefits with full acceptance.
“For us this means that we remove every conceivable obstacle from the path of the user before the button is pressed,” emphasises Gerald Hanisch: “After all, there is more to it than just having good machines. We offer a complete business model with guaranteed success. This is our way of making the first steps in this – for many people completely new – line of business as easy as possible. At RUBBLE MASTER this business model covers individual advice in terms of the optimum machine for the customer’s needs, the profitable use of the recycled aggregate and support in obtaining permits and also with regard to financing. Thorough training and regular on-site assistance as part of the RUBBLE MASTER Lifetime Support programme with service checks ensure that value is retained and that operating costs are kept as low as possible. This is how RUBBLE MASTER accompanies its customers on the road to success – from starting out to lasting growth.”
With regard to the machine itself, the prime task of the RUBBLE MASTER GO! principle was that every RM70 GO! user can operate the machine properly “from the word go” and earn money from the very beginning as a result. The user interface is so simple that anyone will feel confident handling it from the outset.
Clearly described maintenance cycles at defined points make life easier for the operator and ensure optimum machine service. All important components can be accessed from the ground and maintenance is easy, especially thanks to the large side and rear servicing doors.
The second requirement that was likewise fulfilled in every respect: the RM70 GO! is ready for action immediately and can work in any environment without limitations! What’s more: no user would have anything against having an RM70 GO! working right outside their own front door. Thanks to the comprehensive RUBBLE MASTER ENVIRO concept, the RM70 GO! is whisper-quiet and stands out through minimised emissions and effective dust suppression.
Weighing under 20 tons, the new star of the RUBBLE MASTER® Compact Recycler range is extremely agile and can be transported quickly, easily and inexpensively using an existing low-loader trailer. Another guarantee for success is the fact that the machine can be used anywhere. And this applies not only to the accessibility of the job site – whether it’s a cramped inner-city site or processing stone and rubble at an altitude of 2,000 m – but also to the material that can be recycled immediately to make high-value aggregate. The high-performance impact crusher produces up to 120 t/h of cubic high-quality grain from general rubble, asphalt, concrete and medium-hard natural stone. Any reinforcing steel is fully separated from the mineral materials inside the impact crusher and removed from the aggregate by the high-performance magnetic separator. Additionally, it is pleasing to note that the running costs for the RM70 GO! are low.
This makes the RM70 GO! the ideal crusher for difficult economic times. Furthermore it gives newcomers to recycling the chance to open up a new, profitable line of business quickly and reliably with mobile rubble recycling. The RM70 GO! will be available from the middle of 2009, after completing an extensive series of tests.
Approx. 4,400 characters / 700 words. Photos to be used with copyright. Proprietor: RUBBLE MASTER HMH GmbH, Austria. Please contact us if you need any additional information. Marketing & Public Relations Manager: Andrea Eichelberg, tel. +43 (0)732 32 10 94, Email [email protected] |