Forget kicking the tires. At ICUEE, also known as The Demo Expo, you’ll also get the chance to drive on them, skid them and get them dirty. ICUEE offers one of the few chances you’ll have to get in-seat time on several machine brands, all located within yards of each other.
Show sponsor Association of Equipment Manufacturers expects some 15,000 attendees in the electric, sewer/water, phone/cable, gas, general construction, public works and landscaping professions to visit the three-day exhibition.
Noting the vast majority of past attendees come to ICUEE to see what’s new, the show will present a product innovation display highlighting companies with new offerings. In addition, the show’s big draw has just gotten larger – the outdoor demonstration area has been expanded.
Visit the show’s website,, to find the latest details on exhibits, education sessions and what to do and see in Louisville. You can also use the website to register for exhibits and to make hotel reservations.
ICUEE will offer more than triple the amount of education presented at the last show. In addition, Underground Construction Technology has two pre-show programs on advanced horizontal directional drilling and pipebursting.
Attendees can take advantage of more than 40 learning sessions highlighting the latest technological, operational, safety and regulatory issues affecting the utility and construction industry. Here’s an overview of what’s on tap:
Tuesday, September 27
8:00 – 9:15 a.m.
T11 Profitability: Do the Drill Right the First Time
How to properly plan and execute a bore to get it right the first time
T12 New Technology and Equipment at ICUEE
What’s new in the underground utility construction market
T13 Mini-Excavator Basics: Five Most Important Steps to Keep Your Machines Operating Productively
Learn how to take immediate steps to ensure your compact excavator is running in tip-top shape and your operators are working at maximum efficiency.
T14 The Construction Equipment Institute
Develop budgets and business plans for equipment operation and evaluate financial alternatives, impact and equipment-operating costs. (This session is 21/2 hours in duration.)
T15 Renting vs. Buying: Making Informed Decisions
Learn the pros and cons of renting vs. buying a piece of compact equipment.
T16 Keeping Your Equipment Safe & Sound
Make it difficult for someone with a set of wire cutters to target your jobsite or equipment yard. Find out what the solutions are when law enforcement tries to track down your piece of stolen equipment.
T17 Powerful Leadership Practices
Find out what it takes to be a great leader, how to create fear-free relationships and what factors matter most to employees.
Tuesday, September 27
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
T21 Water & Sewer: Opportunities for HDD
Sewer and water projects continue to offer viable, steady opportunities for those willing to navigate the public works arena.
T22 Market Directions Affecting Utility Contractors
Part 1: Underground or Overhead? – The thinking it’s cheaper to hang cable from overhead poles is being challenged.
Part 2: Fiber To The Premises Finally Makes Progress – The telecom market at last has heated up. Will it continue?
T23 Skid Steer Basics: Five Critical Steps for Productive Underground Operations
Learn how to maximize skid steer productivity while working in harsh underground applications.
T24 The Construction Equipment Institute (continued)
See description in 8 – 9:15 a.m. session listed earlier.
T25 Safety, Reliability and Service Quality: Factors in Utility Success
Discover how Minnesota has addressed these demands through the Energy Security and Reliability Act.
T26 One-Call State Laws – An Overview
Examine how different One-Call services stack up, comparing such areas as mandatory participation, positive response, penalties, fines and exemptions.
T27 Infrared Thermography: Powerful Predictive/Preventive
Maintenance Tools for Utilities
Learn how an infrared camera can non-invasively detect hot spots (created by heat emissions from energy loss) before they create power interruptions or outages.
Wednesday, September 28
8:00 – 9:15 a.m.
W11 Mini-Mud School: Avoiding Frac-Outs and Hydrolock
Learn how to avoid or minimize these and other common drilling fluid problems.
W12 Protecting the Underground Utility Infrastructure
Examine the steps under way by the Common Ground Alliance to improve damage prevention.
W13 Advances in Pipe Replacement Methods and Moles
Learn more about how pipe cracking or splitting, pipe reaming and guided piercing tools can be used in virtually all areas of underground construction.
W14 More Aerial Device Standards … Clarifying the Confusion
The latest on the redrafting of the U.S. A92.2 standard for vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating aerial devices
W15 Field Force Automation – Business Drivers and
Implementation Strategies
Case studies from utility field automation projects will demonstrate cost/benefit methodology, project costs and benefits associated with a mobile system.
W16 NFPA70E FR Clothing – Arc- and Flame-Resistant Clothing Update
Look at the changes in standards from OSHA, ASTM, NFPA (70E) and other regulatory agencies affecting the utility industry.
W17 I Love My Job – Retaining and Motivating Employees
Learn what really motivates people and how to create a work environment that fosters self-initiation, enthusiasm and team spirit.
Wednesday, September 28
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
W21 HDD Methods to Meet Rock Challenge
As directional drilling techniques improve, rock and difficult soils are no longer the insurmountable challenge they once were.
W22 The OSHA File: New Rules and Regulations Affecting Underground Construction and Utilities
Discover several OSHA initiatives that affect underground utility contractors.
W23 Trencher Basics: Five Most Important Steps to Keep Your Machines Operating Productively
Learn the critical steps for maximizing trencher efficiency.
W24 From the Top Down: Reducing Crane Incidents
Learn the key factors that lead to crane accidents and how preventive tools lead to a safer work environment.
W25 Working with Your Cross-Cultural Workforce
Learn techniques for determining and using multi-cultural worker strengths.
W26 Ground-to-Ground Rubber Glove Rule
Why utilities are using the Rubber Glove Rule to protect their employees from electrical contacts
W27 Lean Contracting 101
Learn how to apply lean principles in your organization that will streamline work and directly improve overall productivity, safety and quality of work.
Thursday, September 29
8:00 – 9:15 a.m.
TH11 After-Effects Of Utility Hits – What’s the Worst that Could Happen?
Find out how the industry can effectively deal with this potentially disastrous problem.
TH12 The Latest Production-Enhancing Tools for Compact Equipment
Find out how compact excavators and skid steers with digging attachments increase your effectiveness.
TH13 Is There a Pending Labor Shortage?
Learn how contractors around the country are developing ways to identify potential employees, and then train them properly.
TH14 Meet Your Profit Goals this Year …
Every Year!
How to get everyone focused on results, set clear goals and objectives, develop action plans and meet deadlines
TH15 Telecommunications Boom: Will it Last?
Representatives from the telecommunication industry have been invited to forecast the industry’s trend curve to help contractors make fleet investment decisions.
TH16 Five Cost-Saving Strategies to Tighten Your Belt and Boost Your Profits!
Hear strategies that may help you save enough to add another backhoe to your fleet.
TH17 It’s All in Your Plan – Essentials in Crisis Management
This session will outline the four basic types of crises you are likely to face and the most effective methods for handling them.
Thursday, September 29
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
TH21 Excavators Locate Underground Utilities – Who is Responsible?
Panel members from the excavating, legal, regulatory, One-Call, rights-of-way, claims and utility industries will examine damage prevention.
TH22 Keyholing Increases VacEx Opportunities
Learn how to take advantage of the latest developments in both air and hydro vacuum units.
TH23 Sell More Than Price! How to Build Loyal Customer Relationships
Discover how to set yourself apart from the competition, provide added value, sell solutions and become a trusted partner in your customer’s growth.
TH24 Key Elements of Supply Chain Management
Uncover the critical elements and measurement metrics to ensure timely response, qualified suppliers and efficiency on a continuing basis.
TH25 Strategies for Internal Utility BPL
Learn more about the potential and economic feasibility of internal applications for broadband power lines.
TH26 Uncovering What’s New in Erosion Control
Learn the latest in industry trends and state-of-the-art erosion control concepts and techniques.
TH27 Effective Internal Bucket Truck Training Programs
Learn how effective training programs are structured, how to meet the required codes and regulations and how to overcome the roadblocks that arise.