For the seventh consecutive year, a Dallas-based construction company was ranked by Fortune magazine as one of the nation’s top companies to work for. TDIndustries, which specializes in mechanical and electrical construction, placed seventh in the magazine’s annual “The 100 Best Companies to Work For” issue.
Fortune bases the rankings on a series of employee surveys, company statistics and employee programs. Two hundred and fifty TD employees were randomly selected to complete “The Best Place to Work Trust Index,” which is compiled to help decide how companies compare. A company “culture audit” was also submitted, which reports facts such as the total number of employees, total revenues, number of minorities, longevity, benefits, ownership, number of sites, training programs, child care centers and male/female ratios.
One program that made TD stand out from other applicants is its “Diversity Journey” program, which lessens the language gap between Spanish and English speakers. When prospective employees are interviewed for a job position, they are interviewed by bilingual recruiters, and after an employee is hired, the first five in-house training programs are available in both languages. Job applications and the corporate newsletter are available in English and Spanish, and to help both speakers learn the other language, the firm provides free language courses.
“Our company succeeds because we are employee-owned, which means we share in the good times and the bad,” said Jessie McCain, manager of TDIndustries’ people department. “We set high standards of business ethics, and we value our diversity.”
Although this is TD’s second year to rank as the seventh top company, in 1999 TD was ranked the second top company to work for. The company has also received numerous awards for its bilingual approach and its equitable treatment of employees.