Horton Holding will assume ownership of Horton Sachs GmbH this month and change the name of the German company to Horton Europe GmbH. The changes result from a 2001 joint venture in which Horton acquired the ZF Sachs fan clutch business. The Horton subsidiary has built and moved to a new building in Schweinfurt, Germany. Horton, a provider of cooling solutions for engines, says the new facility complements its plant in Britton, S.D.
Horton has also named Rosalyn Fineran vice president, chief financial officer and chief information officer. She will oversee finance and information technology for Horton, Horton Europe GmbH and Horton Holding. Prior to joining Horton, Fineran was chief financial officer for Trim Systems, a Columbus, Ohio-based manufacturer of trim components for the heavy truck industry.