The National Craft Assessment and Certification Program has translated craft skills assessments to evaluate the skill level and proficiency of Hispanic workers in the construction industry. Subject matter experts fluent in English and Spanish contributed to the development of these assessments.
Additionally, the NCCER has partnered with book publisher Pearson to provide training resources in Spanish with bilingual glossaries; Carpentry Level One, Core Curriculum: Introductory Craft Skills, Field Safety, Rigging Fundamentals, Safety Orientation, Scaffolding and Sprinkler Fitting Level One are now available with additional translations expected throughout 2008.
Assessments currently available in Spanish include core: introductory craft skills, concrete finisher, industrial carpentry, industrial insulation, masonry level one, reinforcing iron and rebar, scaffold builder and rigging fundamentals. Future assessment translations include industrial pipefitter, industrial ironworker and industrial electrician.
Workers who successfully pass an assessment will receive industry-recognized credentials through NCCER’s national registry, and will be provided a training prescription if additional training is needed.
“A Hispanic worker may have knowledge and skills from on-the-job training, but not speak fluent English,” says Tania Domenech, NCCER project manager. “Spanish-language adaptations of our assessments provide a method of measuring technical expertise, regardless of language.”
NCCER offers resources, craft skills assessments, training resources in Spanish
Nov 24, 2008