Ditch Witch has launched a free training program, called Groundbreaking Safety, that will cover the operation of trenchers, plows, horizontal directional drills, compact skid steers and compact excavators and will consist of two parts.
The first is a DVD containing three segments specific to trenchers, HDD equipment and compact utility equipment. Each segment contains safety information for pre-work inspection, loading and transporting equipment, jobsite preparation and potential hazards.
The second part is an interactive safety-training program that includes video and a leader’s guide to help make possible various classroom or individual training scenarios. A test is also included to track and record participants’ learning.
“The Groundbreaking Safety program consists of short, easy-to-use modules that can be used in a variety of formal or informal safety training settings,” said John Dolezal, training manager for The Charles Machine Works, manufacturer of Ditch Witch equipment. “The program is a brand new resource for construction industry stakeholders to address safety awareness training.”
The DVD will be offered free to members of the construction industry. For more information, call 1-800-654-6481 or visit the Ditch Witch website.