Truck bed removal made safer, easier with Lift King

Lift King bed attachmentLifting a truck bed can be a safe, one-man job thanks to the Motor City Lift King.

Truck beds are often removed to perform various repairs, including fuel pump replacement. But friends may become scarce when work comes calling, not to mention the fact that lifting a bed by hand can be dangerous work.

Various attachments allow the Lift King to take on different jobs. The box attachment, for instance, is designed to allow one person to safely lift and move a pickup bed.

Once the bed is removed, the tilt boom attachment can be used to elevate one end of the bed, which allows for under box access. A stabilizer bar can be added to keep the box steady on the lift during repairs.

The patented Lift King requires no power and needs only 3 square feet of storage when not in use. Attachments, which can be switched out in seconds, are also available for toppers, doors and big rig hoods. A safety system protects the user and the lift.

Lift King is 42 inches wide, 30 inches deep and 84 inches tall. To learn more, visit

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