Lincoln Electric Demos Welding's Impact

 Welding’s Contribution To Our World

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Made Possible With is a new approach to demonstrating Lincoln Electric Company‘s know-how and contribution to the welded world in which we live.

Not everyone is as passionate about welding and cutting as we are, but perhaps if they realized how much it impacts their daily lives, they could be,” said Bruce Chantry, director of marketing, North America, “So, with Made Possible With, we took the approach of showing how welding — and by extension, Lincoln Electric — continues to impact people’s day-to-day lives.”

Lincoln ElectricThe Made Possible With inaugural effort relates the long-time partnership between Lincoln Electric and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Indy 500, and the technology used in Indy car fabrication. Titled, “This Thrill Made Possible with Lincoln Electric,” it features a story about one of racing’s most important innovations, The SAFER Wall, and the Lincoln Electric products used in its upkeep.

Other storys on the site include Lincoln’s participation in the creation of the Grand Canyon Skywalk, the Chicago skyline and the St. Louis Arch. Upcoming features also will include an exploration of welding education and the opportunities in the trade, how Lincoln Electric has enabled small businesses to thrive and the company’s participation in arts and technology. 

In conjunction with the launching of Made Possible With, Lincoln Electric is releasing a screensaver of its popular Flashback FridayTM social media posts—featuring historic images of the hard working welders of the 1920s, ‘30s and ‘40s, available through this link.

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