The Transportation Research Board will conduct a webinar that will take a look at projects in California, Washington and Minnesota for a relatively new process for striping – continuous access priced managed lanes.
It will be from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, on Thursday, September 20.
Continuous access priced managed lanes contain only a dashed-stripe separating the managed lanes from the general purpose lanes.
Presenters will address procurement practices in developing performance and reporting requirements for toll system integration for open toll facilities, public outreach and education strategies, toll tag development and distribution, and other relevant topics that address operations.
They will discuss how continuous access priced managed lanes have affected operations, safety, enforcement, revenue, and customer satisfaction.
Webinar presenters:
- Elizabeth Rutman, Alameda County Transportation Commission
- Tyler Patterson, Washington State Department of Transportation
- John Hourdos, University of Minnesota
- Kiet Ly, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Moderated by: Chadi Chazbek, HNTB Corporation
This webinar was organized by the TRB Standing Committee on Managed Lanes.
Some registrants will need to pay $95 to attend this seminar. Sign onto to view registration and professional development information.
This webinar was developed in March 2018. TRB has met the standards and requirements of the Registered Continuing Education Program (RCEP). Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to RCEP by TRB.