According to a WYDOT press release, on June 18, 44-year-old Shelly Yoho was flagging head-to-head traffic in the highway’s westbound lanes, about 15 miles from Rawlins where speeds had been reduced to 55 miles per hour while construction went on in the eastbound lanes.
A semi driven by Karama T. Leota, 50, and carrying two trailers, drifted from the road and onto the shoulder before it hit a guardrail and then struck Yoho. The truck veered into a ditch on the side of the highway and both of its trailers overturned.
Yoho was pronounced dead at the scene. According to the release, the Wyoming Highway Patrol are investigating whether fatigued or distracted driving played a factor in the crash.
Meanwhile, Leota was arrested at the scene and is expected to face charges of aggravated vehicular homicide, reckless driving and failing to maintain a lane of travel.