“Every state and local transportation agency is faced with limited resources,” said TAMC Chairman Roger Safford. “The science of asset management provides an effective framework for transportation investment planning because it is both focused on the future and based on good data.”
The morning session will include:
- “Utilizing Roadsoft to Help Develop a Long-Range Plan” – Rick Sprague, Kent County Road Commission
- “Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) 10 Years After: A Summary Analysis of the Data” – Gil Chesbro, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
- “Progress and Innovation in Bridge Preservation” – Rebecca Curtis, MDOT
- “What’s New in Chip Seal Techniques” – Tom Wood, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)
- “Investment Reporting Tool/Act 51 Distribution and Reporting System (IRT/ADARS) Reporting” – Bill McEntee, TAMC vice chairman
Governor Rick Snyder will be the keynote speaker.
The afternoon session is scheduled to include:
TAMC 2015 Award Presentations
- “What Happens on May 6? One Day after Proposal 1 Passes or Fails” – Bill Anderson, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments
- “Where the Water Meets the Road” – Patrick Ertel, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- “Intelligent Use of Data to Make Intelligent Infrastructure Investment Decisions” – Royce Greaves, Opus International Consultants
- “What’s New in Texas Under Seal and Other Preventive Maintenance Techniques” – Tom Wood, MnDOT
The TAMC was created in 2002 to “expand the practice of asset management statewide to enhance the productivity of investing in Michigan’s roads and bridges. Part of the TAMC’s mission is to collect physical inventory and condition data on all roads and bridges in Michigan.” The council is made up of members of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and municipality groups and commission affiliated with transportation.
The cost is $25 for public agency attendees and $100 for consultant and private company attendees. Online registration is available here.