Congressman Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) will be the featured guest speaker for the American Traffic Safety Services Association’s (ATSSA) 40th Opening General Session on Feb. 16 in San Antonio.
Altmire on July 27 introduced H.R. 3355, the “Older Driver and Pedestrian Safety and Roadway Enhancement Act of 2009.”
The proposed legislation would direct the Secretary of Transportation to carry out a program to improve roadway safety infrastructure throughout the United States to enhance the safety of older drivers and pedestrians, specifically addressing the following:
- Improve roadway safety infrastructure in states that is consistent with recommendations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the “Highway Design Handbook for Older Drivers and Pedestrians”; and
- Achieve significant reductions in roadway fatalities and serious injuries among drivers and pedestrians 65 years old or older on all public roads.
- Sets forth project eligibility requirements and project identification and selection priorities.
- Requires the Secretary to finalize revision of the Handbook for publication. Amends the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to repeal its program for roadway safety improvements for older drivers and pedestrians.
- Requires the Secretary of Transportation to do the following: (1) appoint a Special Assistant for Older Driver and Pedestrian Safety within the Office of the Secretary; and (2) establish national goals for increasing driver, passenger, and pedestrian safety for persons 65 years old or older. Requires the Secretary to revise the manual on uniform traffic control devices to include a standard for a minimum level of retroreflectivity for pavement markings on all public roads.
In early October, notes, ATSSA, Altmire gave a floor speech in support of the bill, during which he recommended low-cost safety solutions, including “signs with more legible font, retro-reflective sheeting and retro-reflective pavement markings, left turn lanes at intersections and improved sign placement to ensure that drivers have adequate time to make informed decisions on the road.”