Also according to the study, as head pressure increases, the Snap-Tite Hydro-Bell system flow rate also increases. The Hydro-Bell is designed to “snap” onto the standard Snap-Tite culvert lining system’s machined ends – providing a larger, wider intake at the culvert entrance.
Hydraulic flow in short runs of pipe, such as drainage culverts, is often controlled by inlet and/or outlet conditions. It is possible to maximize flow rate by altering the inlet or outlet conditions in the culvert. However, in most cases, the outlet conditions are difficult to alter; but it is possible to modify the inlet condition.
Currently the Hydro-Bell is available in liner sizes from six to 63 inches. However, larger sizes are available on special request. The Hydro-Bell design consists of rounding the inlet with a leading radius, which transitions to a diametrical recess in the interior of the Hydro-Bell structure.