The statistic-based signs, located above freeways throughout the state, feature messages that encourage seat belt use, driving sober and at safe speeds and paying attention behind the wheel.
“Using these high-profile signs to highlight key facts about traffic safety issues can help motorists put into perspective that the poor choices they make behind the wheel lead to serious consequences,” said Sue Groth, MnDOT state traffic engineer.
MnDOT announced that the messages will place the largest focus on speeding, tying the signs with the state’s current speed enforcement campaign.
“These signs give us a great opportunity to deliver important messages where and when it counts: directly to people behind the wheel,” said Donna Berger, DPS Office of Traffic Safety director.
The signs are part of Minnesota’s Toward Zero Death (TZD) initiative, a program designed to to create a safe driving culture in Minnesota. TZD is a partnership between DPS, MnDOT, the state’s Department of Health, Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Board and other traffic safety partners.