Very shortly after I joined the Equipment World staff back in June of this year, work began on crafting a new website for the publication. As we got started, we decided to pause long enough to approach the project as readers rather than editors.
In the weeks that followed, we discussed what kind of experiences we enjoy on the Web. We spent a lot of time just visiting sites we love and paying closer attention to what makes them great. In the end, we all agreed that readability and site navigation should be our top priorities when putting our new online home together.
Over the course of the next four or five months we sketched and clicked away, produced mockups, tried those ideas out on the screen, scrapped them and tried something new. Again and again, always tweaking, always talking, making sure the smallest of details were taken into account.
The product is the site you see today, a site we feel is easy to read, easy to navigate and one that echoes the design cues of our print product in both subtle and apparent ways. More importantly, it’s a site that we love reading and visiting ourselves. We hope you feel the same and will join us here more often.
As you click through the site, notice the new topics housed in the navigation bar at the top of the page to the right of our awesome new logo. We’ve become accustomed to calling these buttons “buckets” and we’re working every day to fill those buckets with more and more timely and interesting news and tips.
You’ll also notice several boxes on the home, category and article pages that will help you find even more content. The Editors’ Picks box features what our editor’s are reading while the Related Reads, More From and More About boxes will direct you more content related to what you’re currently reading with a single click. (I personally love the More About function which allows you to click keywords the article has been tagged with. Give it a try.)
We’ve also worked to improve the accuracy and speed of our site search. So if you don’t see something you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to type it in the box in the upper right-hand corner.
All of this being said, the work is not done. We’re continuing to improve the site each day and we’re already working on some great new ideas to make the site even more fun to use.
For the whole editorial staff, thanks so much for checking out EquipmentWorld.com. We’re just getting started.
Wayne Grayson
Online Managing Editor