More power and bigger bowls help scrapers move more dirt faster

Caterpillar has upgraded four of its wheeled tractor scrapers to give them more power and 10 percent more bowl capacity. The 627G and 637G employ the Cat C-9 scraper engine. Dual horsepower capabilities enable these machines to put out 225 horsepower in the lower gears and 249 horsepower in the higher gear ranges. The 621G standard scraper and 627G tandem-powered scraper use the Cat 3406E tractor engine that produces 330 horsepower in low gear and 365 horsepower in high. The 631 standard scraper and 637G tandem-powered scraper have the Cat 3408E tractor engine with 450 and 485 net horsepower. Redesigned scraper bowls have a lower profile, offering less resistance to incoming material, and cellular construction adds strength and dent resistance to the bowl. Carryback is reduced and spreading control enhanced with the bulldozer ejection system.

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