Representing the fourth generation of Deister leadership, Richard (Rich) M. Deister has recently been promoted to executive vice president of Deister Machine Co.

“Rich has a proven track record for successfully leading large scale initiatives and driving innovation. His leadership skills are well suited to overseeing all operations of the company,” says Irwin F. Deister, Jr., the company’s chairman. “As part of our strategic vision, his promotion to executive vice president will further poise our company for long-term growth; and will build upon our legacy of manufacturing excellence.”
“Our tradition of quality and customer satisfaction began with my great grandfather, Emil Deister, who founded the company in 1912. Each generation of Deister leadership continues to strengthen our performance history and our dedication to high standards,” says Rich Deister, who is the son of E. Mark Deister, the company’s president. “Our long-term customer relationships, which we have developed over years of support, consultation, and service, have resulted in ongoing improvements and innovation in the design, engineering, and customization of Deister screening, scalping, and feeding equipment.”
Currently marking 30 years of company service, Rich began his career with Deister by learning the business from the ground up. Following his graduation from Purdue University in 1987, he began as an assembler in the company’s machine shop. A few years later, he became a service technician where he worked with producers to install and fine tune screens and feeders in a variety of applications.
In 1990, Rich became the company’s service manager; and in 2002, he was named director of customer relations, parts, and service, ascending to vice president of that department in 2007. Also, that same year, he joined Deister Machine Co.’s executive board of directors.
Deister Machine Co. supports its industry by being active participants in a variety of key organizations. Rich is a member of the National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association and is the immediate past chair of the Manufacturing and Services Division. Irwin F. Deister, Jr. and E. Mark Deister are life members of the NSSGA board, both having served as chairman of its Manufacturers and Services (M & S) Division.
Five generations of leadership
At Deister Machine Co., Richard M. Deister leads the fourth generation as executive vice president; and the company reports that its family tradition will continue into the fifth generation of leadership. Max Deister (Rich’s son) has recently joined the company as a full-time member. Like his father, he graduated from Purdue University, and had interned with the company since 2012.
Looking back to the founding of the company, founder Emil Deister served as its president and general manager from 1912 until his death in 1961. Enter the second generation: Irwin F. Deister, Sr., son of the founder, joined the company in 1925, eventually succeeding his father as president and chairman until his death in 1988. His brother, Emil Deister, Jr., was with the company from 1926 until his death in 1984, having served as chairman after his father’s death. And, enter the third generation: Irwin F. Deister, Jr., son of Irwin, Sr., joined the company in 1951 and is now its chairman and comptroller. E. Mark Deister, son of Emil, Jr., has been active since 1963 and is the current president and treasurer.