Rey-Mar Construction Thrives in Texas’ Booming Construction Market

Texas has witnessed a surge in population growth and businesses moving to the state in recent years, and contractors are benefiting from the additional infrastructure needs.

Rey-Mar Construction is one of those contractors.

The company got its start installing water and sewer lines in the Greater Dallas-Fort Worth area in 1991. Since then, Rey-Mar has grown its scope of work and relationships to become a full-service water treatment facility contractor.

“It means a lot for the cities for them to be comfortable about who they’re letting into the city and just do the work,” owner David Martinez says.

In the video above, David discusses how a consistent fleet of equipment and trucks has aided growth. He also shares how the business has recruited and retained a top-notch crew to perform the work.

Rey-Mar Construction was one of 12 finalists for Equipment World’s 2024 Contractor of the Year Award.

To learn more about how you can apply for or nominate a contractor for Equipment World’s 2025 Contractor of the Year Award, click here:

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