Volvo has launched two new compact wheel loaders, the L20B and L25B. The two feature articulating oscillating joints and operator-selectable differential locks on both axles for ground-grabbing traction even in the worst terrain. The loaders’ small sizes also help them maneuver in tight spots. The L20B has a vertical clearance of 7 feet, 11 inches and is 5 feet, 4 inches wide. The L25B’s vertical clearance is 8 feet, 1 inch and it measures 5 feet, 8 inches wide. Volvo’s hydraulic attachment bracket gives you the ability to change attachments without leaving the cab. More than 60 attachments are available. The parallel loader linkage makes the two loaders ideal for pallet work. With its 55-horsepower engine, the L20B lifts up to 1.8 tons, offers a 6,173-pound tipping load/full turn and has a breakout force of 6,969 foot-pounds. The 62-horsepower L25B can lift two tons and is rated at a tipping load-full turn of 7,496 pounds and a breakout force of 8,310 foot-pounds.
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New highly mobile Volvo compact wheel loaders hug the ground
Mar 17, 2003
Updated Jan 12, 2017