Tech Q and A

Letters to the Editor

I just wondered why no there are no Tundras in your magazine. I’ve had Chevys from ’69 through ’78, Fords from ’79 to ’09 and one Dodge. My ’09 Tundra has already surpassed the Chevys for reliability and economy (my 350 Chevy gets 8 mpg and has a lousy transmission. My last Ford blew out a spark plug under 30,000 miles – never one truck above 10 mpg. I’m in my second year with my ’09 tundra, 17 mpg driving normal – 14 mpg running it hard. The truck runs very strong and is nice to drive. When we plow in the snow belt of Ohio it’s usually 10 to 14 hours straight, but I’ve had no problems in 36,000 miles, and the truck doesn’t beat you up. It also has a nice turning radius! Sorry to go on, but this is one great truck! After two months of driving mine, my wife bought herself a 2010. —Terry Barton

Terry, thanks for the letter. Always great to hear from Pro readers. 

We are not purposely leaving out Tundras. They are definitely part of our “full-size” truck coverage plans. As you state, “very strong” and “nice to drive.” In fact, there are several Tundra owners here in our company and they swear by them. 

Unfortunately, Toyota makes it difficult for us to get our hands on Tundras to test or use for product installs. Toyota hasn’t made any changes to speak of on the “new” Tundra since its introduction, and we hear that trend will continue into 2012. When we get an opportunity to drive the latest model, we’ll let you and other readers know our take. —Editors


Light Buyers Guide

I have a question regarding the Light Buyers Guide article by Bruce Smith on the Propickupmag website. I’ve been drooling over the pic of the Lariat F150’s brushguard/winch/light set-up, and I was wondering if you could tell me exactly what brand and model those items are on that truck. I have a 2010 red two-tone Lariat that I might want to mod like that. Also, if you by chance could find out the leveling kit and tire set-up also, I would really appreciate it. Here’s the link in case you aren’t sure exactly what I’m referring to: Thank you for any help you can give me. —Chrissy Egan

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That’s Eric Kirkland’s own pickup at Truck Supply & Outfitters. He says the outer lights are Warn 7-inch HID Driving Lights (#82405) and the inner are 4-inch HID (#82400) mounted on a Warn Brush Guard with Warn Powerplant 9.5K winch. The lift is nothing more than a READY LIFT 2-1/2-inch leveling kit, which accommodates the BFG Mud-Terrain KMT LT305/55R20s mounted on factory Ford rims. They have all of those items in stock if you want to give ‘em a call.; (205) 553-4203.


Please end my subscription to Equipment World.

This month’s issue came packaged with ProPickup. I was outraged by the narrow minded article on ethanol in the issue of ProPickup. Growing up on a farm I appreciate the added value and profit ethanol and bio-fuels brings to farming. Every American should appreciate ethanol and bio-fuels for their reduction of our dependence on foreign oil and the effect it has on reducing the price of gas and diesel. —John Hansman, Hansman Custom Homes

Sorry you didn’t like the article, John, but the evidence continues to pile up against ethanol. The damage ethanol does to both small engines and automobiles is well documented, most recently in a Popular Mechanics article that came out the same day we got your e-mail. Stihl, Husqvarna and other light equipment manufacturers have tried to get the ethanol mandate changed or at least give people the option of choosing ethanol or non-ethanol fuel at the pump but Congress won’t budge. Stihl is now selling canned gasoline, sans ethanol, for its small engines. And I’ve yet to find a single small engine mechanic who doesn’t complain bitterly about ethanol in gasoline.

Stanford University recently published a study that showed ethanol produces more ozone than regular gasoline and produces emissions that are substantially higher than gasoline in aldehydes – the carcinogenic precursors to ozone. A research paper from the Environmental Working Group written by Craig Cox and Andrew Hug showed that “Corn-based ethanol biofuel is wasteful, inefficient and a misuse of taxpayer money.” And in April the German news magazine Spiegel commented “An attempt to introduce the biofuel mixture E10 in Germany has been a disaster. Even environmentalists oppose the new fuel.” —Tom Jackson, Executive Editor, Equipment World and ProPickup