The roads always get a bit more busy this time of the year as people across the country travel to see family for the holidays. But busier roads often lead to more crashes, so the Georgia Department of Transportation is calling on drivers in the state to take a pledge for safety.
And they’ve even enlisted a World Cup champion to help raise awareness.
WFXL reported that GDOT’s “Drive Alert, Arrive Alive” is calling for drivers to pledge to not drive distracted—a pledge to keep eyes on the road and off the devices. Georgians, and others driving through the state this holiday season, are asked to visit the Drive Alert, Arrive Alive website and take the pledge.
“We’re asking people to go on there and take a pledge that you will not drive distracted,” GDOT spokeswoman Nita Birmingham said. “This is the first year that we’ve done this campaign and the reason that we did it is because we were seeing an increase and it was looking like it was trend that if we continued along that path we knew that we were going to end up with a pretty sizable number at the end of the year and of course we’re trying to avoid that.”
In an effort to raise awareness of the Drive Alert, Arrive Alive campaign, GDOT posted following video with a call for safe driving from Morgan Brian, who played midfielder for the U.S. women’s national soccer team when they won the 2015 World Cup.