Congress, send me that bill!

I keep wondering if there is a tipping point for our transportation infrastructure, a point where the entire game changes. Somewhat in the way a breached levee in New Orleans changed the work being done to defend the city against Hurricane Katrina. What was being done was superseded by a new, sudden and powerful reality. Will we one day not too far in the future have to stop squabbling or daydreaming about transportation infrastructure and start desperately trying to keep it in basic working order?

Is there also such a point in the politics of transportation infrastructure? Because right now politicians are still talking the talk they’ve been talking for some time, and all the while little or nothing actually happens while the pressure behind the levee continues to build.

President Obama said the right things in Michigan yesterday, even though he was sounding a lot like those telethon people, you know, “get to the phones and call now.”

Tell Congress to get past their differences and send me a road construction bill — (applause) — so that companies can put tens of thousands of people to work right now building our roads and bridges and airports and seaports.  (Applause.)  I mean, think about it.  America used to have the best stuff — best roads, best airports, best seaports.  We’re slipping behind because we’re not investing in it, because of politics and gridlock.  Do you want to put people to work right now rebuilding America?  You’ve got to send that message to Congress.  (Applause.)

Nice. But saying the right thing is a pointless exercise if it changes nothing.[By the way, this is a White House transcript and the (Applause) is WH work not mine.]