FROM OUR READERS: ‘We need a lobby that convinces government to cut politicians’ pet projects and idiotic slush funds’

I’m so pleased that since Better Roads Editor-in-Chief John Latta and I have started very actively blogging and sending out daily e-newsletters in which we are asking readers to respond, they are.

As one of editors of Better Roads, it’s fantastic to have an outlet in which readers are able to talk to me. To tell me what they are thinking and what they want in the print publication, the website and in all of our social mediums. So thank you, thank you, thank you for taking time to respond.

As you write in, I’ll try to post as many of your responses as possible (of course after verifying that the responses did in fact come from you and that it’s O.K. to post them). I’ll be sure to note that the responses are your own, not the thoughts of the company for which you work. I’ll also edit for style and grammar.

One of the latest responses both commended Better Roads and asked it for more. Thank you for telling us what you want.

The following note was sent from David Eisenbeisz , project manager,  accident reconstructionist ACTAR 1584, for San Bernardino, Calif.-based Krueper Engineering and Associates, Inc., in response to a blog post I wrote:

[For the original blog post, go to]

“I am pleasantly surprised to see an editorial in Better Roads that comes down on the side of fiscal responsibility. What I would really like to see is this publication turn the corner and begin to support reasonable prioritization in government spending. You know that the first departments to get cut are public works, so we need a lobby that convinces government to cut politicians’ pet projects and idiotic slush funds BEFORE they start crying about how we need to raise taxes in order to have basic services. They can cut the unnecessary programs and waste first, and quit holding our roads, police services, and fire protection hostage so they can convince the uninformed that we need to raise taxes. There isn’t much we really need government to do, but infrastructure is one of the most basic.

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“I am posting a link to your editorial on my LinkedIn group page, “Highway Design and Operations Litigation,” which is intended as a forum for interested parties to discuss issues related to highway safety and the litigation that results from alleged highway defects.  Funding for roadway improvements is definitely within the subject area.  It is a relatively new group, but it is open to anyone who wants to join.”

Note: This letter does not reflect the thoughts of Krueper Engineering and Associates.