FHWA designates 55 routes in 35 states as alternative fuel corridors

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has designated 55 routes across 35 states that will be the basis for a network of alternative fuel corridors stretching 85,000 miles. This effort is part of a directive in the FAST Act and would indicate locations for plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen, propane and natural gas fueling stations.

alternativefuelscorridor-logo“Identifying where alternative fueling stations can be found will help the public in many ways,” says FHWA administrator Gregory Nadeau. “This initial designation sets the stage for the next round of nominations early next year and begins a conversation with stakeholders about developing and implementing a vision to enable coast to coast travel using alternative fuels.”

The agency says in the future the selected routes will feature signs indicating locations for alternative fuel stations, signs similar to existing indicators for gas stations, food and lodging. Transportation Sec. Anthony Foxx in July called on states to nominate the corridors along major highways.

The U.S. has pledged to cut greenhouse emissions by at least 80 percent by 2050. Part of this goal is to support lower-emission vehicles with these corridors. FHWA says U.S. motorists used 3 percent more gas the first half of this year compared to last year—roughly 72 billions gallons.

“Alternative fuels and electric vehicles will play an integral part in the future of America’s transportation system,” says Foxx. “We have a duty to help drivers identify routes that will help them refuel and recharge those vehicles and designating these corridors on our highways is a first step.”

More details on the alternative fuel corridors are available at