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Crawl, Walk, Run: Simplified Marketing for Construction Companies

Jordanne Waldschmidt Headshot
Updated Jun 30, 2023

What's one of the worst things someone can say about your construction company?

According to Seth Fargher, owner of Construction Video Pros, it's “I had no idea you did that.”

Today's average construction company is missing significant opportunities to form new business relationships or gain new employees all because of their perception in the marketplace.

“People are looking for you,” Fargher says. “Whether you do direct-to-consumer or business-to-business, people are vetting you online.”

If one quick Google search is tanking your credibility and legitimacy as a business, it’s time to make a change. And changing customer perception starts by first changing your mindset around marketing.

With advanced cell phones and social media, today's technology makes it easier than ever to highlight the exceptional work a company does, showcase company culture in a way that celebrates its employees, attracts the right talent and establishes the company as the authority in its space.

Because every company is at a different marketing maturity level, Fargher takes an iterative crawl-walk-run approach with his clients. “Figure out what stage you’re at and start there because doing something is better than doing nothing,” he says.