Now your customers have an effective solution for communicating in high noise with Two-Way Radios.

front-per2-SM1x-boom_RET1Your customers won’t believe Sensear’s smart range of communication devices with the patent pending (speech enhancing, noise suppressing) technology that simutaneously isolates and enhances speech whilist suppressing harmful background noise. Now they can hear speech and stay protected in high noise environments without replacing their legacy two-way radio systems.


Sensear offers an innovative promotional program to introduce our smart communication devices to your high noise communication customers. The Sensear Trial Direct Mail Program has the following elements:

  • Powerful personalized direct mail piece to be mailed to their target customers (co-branded with the distributor’s brand)
  • Linked to a personalized URL (Landing Page)
  • Sensear’s lead generation system directs leads to the distributor immediately
  • Sensear provides training and sales support to your sales team
  • A proven response rate of over 5% based on past campaigns

In these challenging economic times, the secret to profitability is offering your existing and new customers new, innovative products that solve big problems in their work place.

Speak to your Sensear sales represenative to discuss the details of the Sensear Trial Direct Mail Program and watch your high noise communication solution sales increase.

 Contact info: Ethan Waller  Phone (732) 616-0783 Email [email protected]