INFLATABLE HEAVY LIFTING AIR BAGS. Sava manufactures rubber pneumatic lifting bags for lifting the heaviest objects…



Sava lifting bags are a low profile, Kevlar reinforced, rubber lifting device capable of lifting up to 74 tons per bag using only 115 PSI air pressure. Add multiple bags for more capacity. Use lifting bags in any weather or temperature. Lifting bags require only one inch of clearance to install. Lifting bags make a great addition to your crane rig to start a lift up a few inches so straps can be installed.

Lifting bags can be used on all surfaces. Since the weight is spread out over a wide area, lifting bags work very well on soft ground, gravel, snow, ice or whenever a high concentrated load need to be more spread out before lifting. Rubber nodes grip well to all surfaces including other bags when stacking. 



Sava manufactures a complete line of bag types, sizes and inflation accessories. Use compressed air from almost any source including air brakes! Lifting bags have been a standard requirement for fire departments for their ability to safely rescue and extract victims from accidents and building collapse. The lightweight design allows easy transport and storage in a very small space. Pneumatic activation can be achieved with high pressure air cylinders or standard compressors.

Non sparking, non combustion and non-electrical properties makes them ideal for flammable or other hazardous situations. For more information please contact Jim Jaeger at Savatech Corp at 888-436-9778 or visit