Get 10 Years of weather data to help snow removal estimates


In the fall of 2011, Go iLawn released its Snow Proposal Builder to help people prepare snow and ice management estimates.

However, Go iLawn quickly discovered that estimates also need to be based on weather data as well.

To help with this problem, the company re-launched the second version of the Proposal Builder.

The builder now includes weather information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Canadian National Climate data archives.

The Proposal Builder accesses a decade’s worth of historical weather data to help people build snow and ice management proposals.

To learn about the weather, users can select an airport or weather station from the list available. The builder displays the average snowfalls totals for that airport or weather station from the past 10 years.

Here are some ideas about what to include in your diagrams:

  • Denote areas of interest and special instructions
  • Label snow storage areas
  • Color-code sidewalks, parking lots, entrances etc.
  • Include contact information for property contacts
  • List recommended equipment
  • Indicate direction to push snow
  • Highlight property obstacles and safety hazards

Although Go iLawn was originally designed for landscapers, there’s no reason it couldn’t be of use to road construction crews around the country.

This article was originally written by Patty Vaughan, Online Managing Editor of Total Landscape Care.