RoadWatch infrared temperature instrument

HoltRoadWatchSS® is an infrared thermometer that lets the driver know when the road surface is freezing. If the road looks wet and is near freezing you may be approaching black ice. Black ice is one of the leading causes of single-vehicle and weather-related accidents. Unpredictable and dangerous, black ice conditions are likely to occur well before the air temperature dips to freezing levels, and often remain a risk after temperatures have risen above freezing.

Many new vehicles come with an ambient air temperature display. Because air and road surface temperatures typically vary by as much as 15°F, knowing air temperature conditions is not enough to warn you of dangerous black ice.

The patented RoadWatch infrared road surface thermometer alerts you to changes in actual road temperatures as they occur. RoadWatch senses a 1°F change in road temperature in less than one-tenth second. An amber LED lights when the road is 35°F or below to warn you of possible icing conditions.