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Video: On the Job with Second-Generation Paving Company Owner

Allied Paving formed in 1993 in Garden Grove, California. Today it is a company with $10 million to $11 million in annual revenue and 35 employees performing asphalt paving, concrete work, grading and a variety of other services.

Roy Jeter and his wife, Barbara, started the company. After Roy passed away in 2010, his son Brandon Jeter stepped in to help run the business with his mother. The company’s work has evolved over the years, moving from fine grading and Caltrans jobs to now providing milling and paving work, typically working behind utility company installations. The company was named one of 12 finalists for Equipment World's Contractor of the Year Award. 

In the video above, Brandon Jeter discusses what it’s like to run a family-owned paving business.

The Equipment World Contractor of the Year program, now in its 23rd year, has been sponsored by Caterpillar since its inception. It recognizes contractors who display the highest standards of business acumen, equipment management expertise, attention to safety and community involvement.

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