Arkansas HTD approves $20.4 million for local federal-aid projects

Arkansas welcome signThe Arkansas State Highway Commission and Transportation Department (AHTD) recently approved $20.4 million for federal-aid projects across three state programs.

Receiving the largest share, at roughly $16 million, is the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The program is for funding sidewalks and trails for pedestrians, bicyclists and non-motorized transportation to create safe routes for those who do not drive. AHTD receive 93 applications for $21 million, but only 71 were selected.

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, which is for enabling and encourage children to walk and bike to school, received $1.2 million for eight projects. Thirty-nine applications asking for more than $6 million were submitted.

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) received $3.2 million for 28 projects. This program funds the construction or maintenance of recreational trails or trail facilities. AHTD reviewed 48 applications requesting nearly $9 million.